Author: Laurent Schneider

jdbc hello world

I am in a java mood today, let’s check how to print hello world with jdbc 🙂 import java.sql.*; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver()); ResultSet res = DriverManager. getConnection(“jdbc:oracle:thin:@srv1:1521:DB01”, “scott”, “tiger”). prepareCall(“select ‘Hello World’ txt from dual”). executeQuery();; System.out.println(res.getString(“TXT”)); } } let’s compile javac -classpath […]


Something I like in ksh is to change from /my/old/directory/path to /my/new/directory/path by typing cd old new. This does not work in bash So I had to find a workaround 😉 $ ksh $ cd /app/oracle/product/ $ cd 6 7 $ pwd /app/oracle/product/ $ bash $ cd 7 6 bash: cd: 7: No such file […]


When you create a table as select (CTAS), you lose a lot of information like grants, partitioning, organization, referential integrity, check constraints. But the NOT NULL constraints remain. Sometimes … Let’s see when the not null constraints are not copied to the new table. Here is the test case : create table lsc_t1( c0 number […]

on recycle bin

more than one user may wondered who created those BIN$ when they first connected to a 10g database. create table lsc_t(x number) partition by range(x) (partition LESS_THAN_ONE values less than (1)); drop table lsc_t; select object_name, subobject_name, created from user_objects where object_name like ‘BIN$%’; OBJECT_NAME SUBOBJECT_NAME CREATED —————————— ————— ——— BIN$bh2VJ6FqFJ3gRAAUT+rFpg==$0 LESS_THAN_ONE 07-JUL-09 Ok, it […]

select from comma-separated list

This is asked over and over in the forums, but why not proposing an 11g solution here 😉 create table t(description varchar2(12) primary key, numbers varchar2(4000)); insert into t(description, numbers) values (‘PRIME’,’2,3,5,7′); insert into t(description, numbers) values (‘ODD’,’1,3,5,7,9′); commit; DESCRIPTION NUMBERS PRIME 2,3,5,7 ODD 1,3,5,7,9 Now I want to unpivot numbers in rows select description,(column_value).getnumberval() […]

to ftp or to sftp

Ftp is seen as an old-time unsecure protocol. Many shops nowadays have switched or are switching to sftp. I will try to point out some differences : Compatibility: none. the protocol is completly different. Multiple graphical clients however do support both mode. But the basic “ftp” client will not work with sftp. Ascii mode: only […]


Is it safe to do a TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:n)) ? var n number exec :n := 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999e125 select to_number(to_char(:n)) from dual; ORA-01722: invalid number Why? SQL Reference If a positive NUMBER value is extremely large and cannot be represented in the specified format, then the infinity sign (~) replaces the value select to_char(:n) from dual; TO_CHAR(:N) ————– […]

future of MySQL

a google search on oracle and mysql will returns concerns about the future of MySQL. When SUN bought mysql, the enthousiasm was also not unanimous in the opensource community. But now it really need repositioning. I was just reading : Deploy an unlimited number of MySQL Enterprise Servers for the price of a single […]

ora-984 and sqlerrm

What’s wrong with this code ? Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release – Production SQL> drop table lsc_t ; Table dropped. SQL> create table lsc_t (x varchar2(255), y date); Table created. SQL> begin 2 null; 3 exception when others then 4 insert into lsc_t […]

Oracle buys Sun I really enjoyed this news. It is both my favorite OS (Solaris) and my favorite database (Oracle) committing to a common future. I have been more than sceptical about Oracle Linux and Oracle Database Machine entering the Datacenter world, but now I feel relieved that Oracle is putting value in acquiring serious database platform […]

locking and database link

Last week-end a new release went to production. This week we got plenty of ORA-2049. What in the hell went wrong? And why did not we find out this locking before? We just did not have that concurrency effect in test. How does locking work ? With regular tables: session 1 select * from lsc_t […]


In the process of validating some calculation, I noticed some strange differences from one run to another run, with exactly the same data and exactly the same function. I suppose the only difference was the order in which the transactions were processed (and since I had no ORDER BY, the order was not deterministic). To […]

to SQL or to PLSQL

Iggy Fernandez posted a riddle to be solved without PLSQL I tend to second Steven Feuerstein argument : Some people can perform seeming miracles with straight SQL, but the statements can end up looking like pretzels created by someone who is experimenting with hallucinogens. In my book I mentionned techniques that enhance the basis […]

commit suicide;

Tanel Poder directed me to Miladin Modrakovic blog, I will definitely add this to my prefered feed. You have to try this : SQL> alter session set events ‘immediate crash’; alter session set events ‘immediate crash’ * ERROR at line 1: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel A very decent method for killing yourself 😈