Author: Laurent Schneider

scp tuning

I twitted yesterday : laurentsch copying 1TB over ssh sucks. How do you fastcopy in Unix without installing Software and without root privilege? I got plenty of expert answers. I have not gone to far in recompile ssh and I did not try plain ftp. Ok, let’s try first to transfer 10 files of 100M […]

What is the current setting of NLS_LANG in sqlplus?

I just learnt a neat trick from Oracle Support. How do you see the current value of NLS_LANG in SQLPLUS ? HOST is not the right answer. E.g.: Unix: SQL> host echo $NLS_LANG AMERICAN_SWITZERLAND Windows: SQL> HOST ECHO %NLS_LANG% %NLS_LANG% The correct setting is revealed by @.[%NLS_LANG%] E.g.: Unix: SQL> @.[$NLS_LANG] SP2-0310: unable to open […]

List events in session, process or system

There is a new command in 11g to display the current events, which is oradebug eventdump. For instance : SQL> alter session set events ‘10046 trace name context forever,level 12:942 trace name ERRORSTACK level 3’; SQL> oradebug setmypid Statement processed. SQL> oradebug eventdump session sql_trace level=12 942 trace name ERRORSTACK level 3 Read metalink note […]

Which index can you rebuild?

I recently wrote on table reorg and rebuild index Rule number one : you cannot rebuild a partitioned index in whole. You need to rebuild each individual (sub-)partition Rule number two : to rebuild an iot, move the table instead of trying to rebuild the underlying index Rule number three : a LOB index is […]

EZCONNECT and HOSTNAME resolution methods

EZCONNECT is the easy connect protocol, available in 10g, whenever you want to connect to a database without tnsnames and without ldap. $ grep -iw directory_path $TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora names.directory_path=EZCONNECT $ sqlplus scott/tiger@//srv01:1521/db01 connect to server srv01 on port 1521 for service db01 HOSTNAME was the old-fashion way to connect to a database, where hostname = sid […]

xml and powershell : using XPATH

I wrote about powershell [xml] yesterady : xml and powershell Let’s see how to use XPATH expressions in Powershell John Jack With the [xml] datatype, we create a navigator : (([xml](GC foo.xml)).psbase.createnavigator().evaluate( ‘//emplist/emp[@no=”1″]/ename/text()’ ))|%{$_.Value} John I have not been seduced by a Microsoft product since ages, but I must say I felt with love in […]

Use your own wallet for EM

If you want to get rid of self signed certificate, and the annoying security warnings in your browser, here is how to do it in 2 easy steps 1) create a new wallet in [OMS]/sysman/wallet/console.servername/, either with owm (gui) or with orapki (command line) 2) restart opmn http server opmnctl stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server […]

[alert] Oracle agents on AIX may not work in 2011 with OMS10g

Fuadar recently wrote : Grid Control AIX Alert … Basically, if you have an 10g oms Server (any OS / any release) and aix agents (any release), and according to Note 1171558.1, communication between [10g] Oracle Management Service and [AIX] Management Agents will break due to a default self-signed certificate expiring in 31 Dec […]

SPARC Supercluster

Oracle buys Sun was an exciting accouncement 20 months ago. What did change in the Solaris/Oracle Database world? First, Oracle delivered Exadata on Sun Hardware (x86_64). Second, they delivered Exadata on Sun Solaris Operating System (x86_64). But now, they announced a combination of software and hardware that will run Oracle database faster than anything ever […]