Use your own wallet for EM

If you want to get rid of self signed certificate, and the annoying security warnings in your browser, here is how to do it in 2 easy steps

1) create a new wallet in [OMS]/sysman/wallet/console.servername/, either with owm (gui) or with orapki (command line)
2) restart opmn http server
opmnctl stopproc process-type=HTTP_Server
opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server

Later, to access your Enterprise Manager Grid Control homepage, access the Apache server and not the oms upload server

opmnctl status -l
HTTP_Server http1:7779,http2:7201,https1:4445,https2:1159,http3:4890

https1 is Apache (4445) and https2 is Upload (1159)

So the url will be

Check note 1278231.1