Author: Laurent Schneider

what is faster, select count(*) or select count(pk) ?

Oh no, not another post about COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) Well, it is not exactly the case. I just had the issue this morning that count(*) was too slow. SQL> create table t as select rownum id, 2 lpad(‘a’,4000,’a’) a, 3 lpad(‘b’,4000,’b’) b, 4 lpad(‘c’,4000,’c’) c, 5 lpad(‘d’,4000,’d’) d 6 from dual connect by level create […]

read uncommitted

the default isolation level is READ COMMITTED. It means, a session read the committed data. Session 1: SQL> set transaction isolation level read committed; Transaction set. Session 2: SQL> update emp set sal=4000 where ename=’SCOTT’; 1 row updated. Session 1: SQL> select sal from emp where ename=’SCOTT’; SAL ———- 3000 Session 2: SQL> commit; Commit […]

return size of to_char

The width of a columns is known before execution. Well, in most cases… SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,’DAY’,’NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=FRENCH’) FROM DUAL; TO_CHAR( ——– SAMEDI The length is as most 8 characters (VENDREDI). Therefore the width of the column is 8. SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,’YEAR’) FROM DUAL; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,’YEAR’) —————————————— TWO THOUSAND EIGHT Oracle thinks the length is at most 42 characters. This […]


How do I retrieve the second highest salary of emp? There is no right or wrong treatment of duplicates, there are only buggy specifications… There are plenty of ways to do this. An Oracle 7 approach would be SELECT MAX(SAL) FROM EMP, ( SELECT MAX(SAL) MAXSAL FROM EMP) WHERE SAL>MAXSAL; Using TOP-n queries I could […]

Start Oracle in Vista with one click

I have been using Vista for about 3 months and finally found a way to start my databases with a single click 🙂 The method I used until yesterday was a .BAT file that starts the services, I had then to right click on the shortcut, run as administrator, confirm the UAC warning. 3 Clicks. […]


How do I get the current number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01. I still have no access to so I created a new account to answer this question. Either you use the difference between timestamp ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00’ and current_timestamp, or you can use java, which is more portable. YMMV create function epoch return number […]

Hey Scott, where have you been ?

Today I missed Scott in my emp table. When selecting from EMP, Scott is not there. Gone… Ok, let’s recreate the scott schema. C:> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release – Production Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release SYS@lsc02> spool scott.txt SYS@lsc02> drop […]


I never used Oracle Web Conference OWC, for security reason. Today I created one SR and read first time about Demo It To Oracle (DITO). This is basically a link, which is a tool that records AVI file and converts AVI to flash SWF file. This is nice to have because you do need […]

How to cron?

RTFM is not the best answer … man crontab SunOS 5.10 Last change: 10 Nov 2005 User Commands crontab(1) A crontab file consists of lines of six fields each. The fields are separated by spaces or tabs. The first five are integer patterns that specify the following: minute (0-59), hour (0-23), day of the month […]

select distinct collect

I answered a question on otn today about distinct. Reprased, how to select distinct collection? select job, collect(distinct deptno) deptnos from emp group by job; JOB DEPTNOS ——— ——————————————- ANALYST SYSTPTJCzBffh0AjgQ59n0o3QCA==(20) CLERK SYSTPTJCzBffh0AjgQ59n0o3QCA==(10, 20, 30) MANAGER SYSTPTJCzBffh0AjgQ59n0o3QCA==(10, 20, 30) PRESIDENT SYSTPTJCzBffh0AjgQ59n0o3QCA==(10) SALESMAN SYSTPTJCzBffh0AjgQ59n0o3QCA==(30) 5 rows selected. select distinct collect(distinct deptno) deptnos from emp group by […]