I read on note 401934.1 that Oracle 10gR2 jdbc clients are still supported with Oracle 12c. I have an application using an oracle10gr2 jdbc, and connection to 12c generates ORA-28040. Connection to 11gR2 works like a charm. O12.java import java.util.Properties; import java.sql.*; public class O12 { public static void main(String argv[]) throws SQLException { Properties […]
Author: Laurent Schneider
Restricted sqlplus and sql_script
Yesterday I wrote about execute sql script from plsql. Connor then posted a 12c new feature that I overviewed Or perhaps just use scheduler to run them, job_type = SQL_SCRIPT — Connor loves SQL , πΈand βοΈ (@connor_mc_d) December 21, 2016 If you are still considering the 11g approach with sqlplus, you should read about […]
execute sql script from pl/sql
When you want to run a SQL script, you rather use sqlplus. If you want to run it within a PL/SQL stored procedure, you are screwed. You could redo the logic of sqlplus, this is what any decent IDE and code runnner does, and it’s a pile of work and you will get lot’s of […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: 12cR2 documentation is available
The doc docs.oracle.com/database/122 is available. Check new features and stay tuned. Okay, just 12 for today : HIGH compressed index, case insensitive database with bound collation, partitioned external tables, AL32UTF8 default for new database, listagg overflow, VALIDATE_CONVERSION, approx_percentile, json_exists, flashback pluggable database, the SHARING clause, RAC streched clusters site definition and INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME in profile. Some […]
To shrink or to move
If you delete most of the rows in one table, you probably want to regain that space, to minimize IO and fragmentation. If you delete most of the rows in most of the tables, you probably also want to resize the datafile to reduce storage and backup space. In this case, you could move your […]
OTN Appreciation Day : Partition your table online !
#ThanksOTN @oraclebase No, I am not talking about DBMS_REDEFINITION, where you get a kind of online feeling. No, I don’t want to rename my table, rename my foreign keys, my primary key, my not-null-constraints, recreate my referential integrity, recompile my triggers. I just want to partition a non-partitioned table. ALTER TABLE EMP MODIFY PARTITION BY […]
Enterprise Manager 13c R2 is out
#EM13R2 is out https://t.co/dIwIn0jxp9 — laurentsch (@laurentsch) October 6, 2016 Download it here : oracle.com/technetwork/oem/grid-control/downloads Documentation : docs.oracle.com/cd/E73210_01
What is the instance name?
If your Oracle SID doesn’t match your instance name in init.ora, this is quite confusing. Check my previous post, what is sid in oracle In the instance_name column of the view v$instance, as well as in USERENV context, it matches the ORACLE_SID of the underlying operating system. SQL> var ORACLE_SID varchar2(9) SQL> set autoprint on […]
What is SID in Oracle ?
In the doc you’ll find, it’s the Oracle system identifier. Okay, let’s imagine the following Environment: ORACLE_SID=ORA001 init.ora: DB_NAME=DB001 DB_UNIQUE_NAME=UNI001 INSTANCE_NAME=INS001 SERVICE_NAMES=SVC001,SVC002 DB_DOMAIN=EXAMPLE.COM GLOBAL_NAMES=false database: SQL> select * from GLOBAL_NAME; GLO001.example.com listener.ora: SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_NAME=GLO001.EXAMPLE.COM) (SID_NAME=ORA001) ) ) What is my SID? Actually there is more than one correct answer. In […]
duplicate to a future date
If you work with large databases, you often wait way to long for the clones. Typically you want to duplicate a 10TB database to production timestamp 9am, and you start at 9am and then you wait for hours. Is it possible to start the clone, let’s say, at midnight, and set until time 9am? No! […]
column width change in 12c
In 11g I used to have 30 characters width in my dictionary SQL> select table_name, column_name from user_tab_columns; TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME —————————— —————————— BONUS COMM BONUS SAL BONUS JOB BONUS ENAME DEPT LOC DEPT DNAME DEPT DEPTNO EMP DEPTNO EMP COMM EMP SAL EMP HIREDATE TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME —————————— —————————— EMP MGR EMP JOB EMP ENAME EMP […]
Drop table cascade and reimport
Happy new year π Today I had to import a subset of a database and the challenge was to restore a parent table without restoring its children. It took me some minutes to write the code, but it would have taken days to restore the whole database. CREATE TABLE t1( c1 NUMBER CONSTRAINT t1_pk PRIMARY […]
Licensing Cloud Control
I just read the Enterprise Manager Licensing Information User Manual today. They are a lot of packs there, and you may not even know that autodiscovering targets is part of the lifecycle management pack or that blackouts are part of the diagnostic pack. Have a look
powershell odbc sybase
Oracle goes there ==> …/oracle-odbc-hello-world-with-powershell.html To test Sybase ODBC driver with Powershell, it’s not much different configure the DsN with odbcconf or %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\odbcconf for the 32bits drivers under Windows 64. cmd /c “%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\odbcconf.exe /a {configdsn “”Adaptive Server Enterprise”” “”DSN=helloworld|database=mydb|port=25000|server=srv01″”}” The name of the driver is important. It is probably also called “Adaptive Server Enterprise” on […]
generate safe passwords
This is probably ambitious and I’ll start with a disclaimer, there is no such thing. But ok, we know that system/manager isn’t Apart from system/manager, there are hundreds of weak passwords that are commonly used and easy to guess. On your database server, after a few tries, the account is lock. And maybe the attacker […]
Generate 11g password hash
An easy way to generate a value string from the ssl is to use openssl Let’s take a random salt of ABCDEFGHIJ. The length of 10 is important. The hexadecimal representation is -41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-4A- $ echo “SafePassw0rDABCDEFGHIJ\c” | openssl dgst -sha1 (stdin)= 47cc4102144d6e479ef3d776ccd9e0d0158842bb With this hash, I can construct my value SQL> create user testuser identified […]
delete all data
How do you delete all data? The simplistic approach would be to truncate all tables SQL> select table_name from user_tables; TABLE_NAME ———- T1 SQL> truncate table t1; Table truncated. You cannot truncate if you have referential integrity constraints. SQL> truncate table t2; ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys Ok, let’s disable […]
tracefile tim to readable date format
In trace file, the time is recorded, this could be used to measure time between two timestamps But how do you convert 31796862227375 to a human format? This is how I proceeded : SQL> oradebug SETMYPID Statement processed. SQL> oradebug tracefile_name /u01/log/oracle/diag/rdbms/db01/DB01/trace/DB01_ora_32440740.trc SQL> alter session set nls_date_format=’YYYY-MM-DD_HH24:MI:SS’ sql_trace=true; Session altered. SQL> select ‘&_DATE’,’Start’ from dual; […]
job_name cannot be null
exec dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name=>null,job_type=>’PLSQL_BLOCK’,job_action=>’BEGIN NULL; END;’) ORA-27451: JOB_NAME cannot be NULL ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_ISCHED”, line 146 ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER”, line 288 ORA-06512: at line 1 This sounds like a proper error message. A bit less obvious is the drop_job message SQL> exec dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name=>null) ORA-20001: comma-separated list invalid near ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_UTILITY”, line 236 ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_UTILITY”, line […]
DELETE is faster than TRUNCATE
Truncate is useful in some serial batch processing but it breaks the read-write consistency, generates stranges errors and results for running selects, and it needs DROP ANY TABLE when run over a table that you do not own. But also, DELETE is faster in the following test case. In 12c, you could have over one […]
permission issue due to one role
Most permissions issues are due to a missing role or privilege. But in the following test case you need to revoke the right to get more privileges. create table tt(x number); create view v as select * from tt; create role rw; grant all on v to rw; I’ve created a read-write role on a […]
Open last one-note page
If you got a one-note document, you may want to automatically go to the last page. This is possible with powershell. First you create a ComObject. There are incredibly many ComObject that could be manipulated in powershell. $o = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application Now it get’s a bit confusing. First you open your document [ref]$x = […]
Don’t call it test
There are quite a few names to avoid in your scripts. Even if there are not reserved-words, keep away ! I’ll start with test cd $HOME/bin vi test echo hello world chmod +x test ./test hello world The problem is that it may break your other scripts $ ssh localhost test 1 = 2 && […]
list database monitoring users
I am quite familiar with the SYSMAN tables but this one required me some googling beyond the Oracle documentation. The list of targets in your Oracle Enterprise Manager is in SYSMAN.MGMT_TARGETS. Each database target is monitored by a database user, typically DBSNMP. To retrieve this information, you need some to hijack your database, read this […]
Drop table if exists
The syntax that you are looking for is docs.oracle.com/…/drop-table.html DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] tbl_name [, tbl_name] … [RESTRICT | CASCADE] Wait, this does not work ! SQL> drop table if exists t; drop table if exists t * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended Okay. It was the Oracle MySQL […]
Untrusted X11 forwarding
I wrote a while ago about my security concerns regarding xhost + xterm -display mypc:0 Way back then, I suggested ssh tunnel. SSH is pretty easy to set up, by enabling the X11Forwarding option. In OpenSSH 3.8 release note, 2004, there was a new default . ssh(1) now uses untrusted cookies for X11-Forwarding In the […]
Irrecoverable part III : a fix
After part I:the problem, Part II: two reports here is part III. We have backed up archivelog during a full and deleted them before the full completed. RMAN> list backup of archivelog all; List of Backup Sets =================== BS Size Type Elapsed Completion — —— —- ——– ———- 15 4.00K DISK 00:00:00 13:31:08 BP Key: […]
Irrecoverable full backup part II : reporting
After my post Can you restore from a full online backup ?, I needed to come up with a report. Assuming that each backup goes in a different directory, I just wrote two reports. Report gaps in v$backup_redolog (or rc_backup_redolog if you use the catalog) DIR FIRST_CHANGE# NEXT_CHANGE# ——- ————- ———— /bck01/ 284891 285140 /bck01/ […]
Can you restore from a full online backup ?
The question is not HOW TO DO IT but WHETHER YOU CAN DO IT ! A typical backup script would contains something like BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG: backup database format ‘/u99/backup/DB01/20150518/full_0_%d_s%s_p%p’ plus archivelog format ‘/u99/backup/DB01/20150518/arc_%d_s%s_p%p’; Starting backup at 2015-05-18_18:27:55 current log archived input archived log thread=1 sequence=469 … piece handle= /u99/backup/DB01/20150518/arc_DB01_s86_p1 Finished backup at 2015-05-18_18:27:58 […]
🎂 10 years 🎂
Thanks to all my readers for being so faithful π I’ll post a new solution to calculate factorial. This is the one I posted 10 years ago : https://laurentschneider.com/2005/05/recursive-sql.html I also used it in the obfuscation contest with function f (x number) return number is begin return case x when 1 then x else x*f(x-1) […]
run sudo, ssh, password, su in simulated interactive mode
Some commands do not like non-interactive mode $ passwd newpassword > newpassword > EOF Changing password for user lsc. Current password for [email protected]: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error $ echo oraclepassword | su – oracle standard in must be a tty $ echo sudopassword | sudo su – oracle [sudo] password for lsc: sudo: sorry, […]