If your Oracle SID doesn’t match your instance name in init.ora, this is quite confusing.
Check my previous post, what is sid in oracle
In the instance_name column of the view v$instance, as well as in USERENV context, it matches the ORACLE_SID of the underlying operating system.
SQL> var ORACLE_SID varchar2(9) SQL> set autoprint on SQL> exec dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_SID',:ORACLE_SID) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ORACLE_SID ------------ ORA001 SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','INSTANCE_NAME') from dual; SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','INSTANCE_NAME') --------------------------------------- ORA001 SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME ---------------- ORA001 SQL>
This is not the same as the init.ora parameter
SQL> select name, value, description from v$parameter where name='instance_name'; NAME VALUE DESCRIPTION ------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- instance_name INS001 instance name supported by the instance SQL>
The instance_name doesn’t have to match anything. It’s of relevance if you use ADR. And you probably do. Background dump dest and family are deprecated now. In your ADR docu you’ll read
But this SID is actually your init.ora instance name. And not your ORACLE_SID.
Old thread but still very relevant. Thank you Laurent! This is the only post I found that actually cleared this confusion up for me.