Open last one-note page

If you got a one-note document, you may want to automatically go to the last page. This is possible with powershell.

First you create a ComObject. There are incredibly many ComObject that could be manipulated in powershell.

$o = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application

Now it get’s a bit confusing. First you open your document

[ref]$x = ""
$o.OpenHierarchy("Z:\", "", $x, "cftNone")

Now you get the XML

$o.GetHierarchy("", "hsPages", $x)

With the XML, you select the last page. For instance :

$p = (([xml]($x.value)).Notebooks.OpenSections.Section.Page | select -last 1).ID

And from the id, you generate an URL the GetHyperlinkToObject.

[ref]$h = ""

Now we can open the url onenote:///Z:\§ion-id={12345678-1234-1234-123456789ABC}&page-id={12345678-1234-1234-123456789ABC}&end

start-process $h.value