Author: Laurent Schneider


19c is a mini-release. Remember it is a new name for the second 12cR2 patchset, after was the first to mention it. By looking up in the doc I found . Distinct listagg . Desupport sqlplus product profile . listener.log log rotation Go to the doc to find more

Unix ODBC Sybase

very similar to Unix ODBC Oracle instead of tnsnames, the connections are defined in $SYBASE/interfaces. the odbc.ini must exists as well in $SYBASE. if you test with unixODBC-devel, keep in mind to use /usr/bin/isql and not $SYBASE_OCS/bin/isql $ODBCSYSINI/odbc.ini [syb] Driver = Sybase16 DSN = syb ServerName=SYB01 $ODBCINI/odbcinst.ini [Sybase16] Description = Adaptive Server Enterprise Driver = […]

Unix ODBC Oracle

To connect via ODBC, check This article is related to Unix/Linux. Often you have a fat client written in C, while java uses JDBC instead of ODBC. Okay, it’s pretty easy, if you have an oracle client, you probably already have in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. In this case you can connect using ODBC. What […]

Privileges on a view

Granting too many privileges on a view could be disastrous. A view is often used as a security element; you grant access to only a subset of columns and rows to one user. Mostly only SELECT. If you want to grant update to only some rows, the security could be enhanced with the WITH CHECK […]

super-long-lines in CLOB

Sometimes you use sqlplus and your line is longer than your linesize SQL> select n||’;’||x from t2; 1;one 2;twoPxMQztzLaqjWjGKOXIVIVrrHC fJkTLbRgCPiENfWrrCjUMRSkmCfLUY RdVASFacGtyEnUplOAXspDJZmSLPfg ziKYQBKoHdkqGXoBCgkKuVOdxEvhQy lZLQROFxIxOzqeQeFMGXcGkuJwnGGg zvNSuCFMVxyQgboLAUpDcYnBsuVyXX vFtWPICwqmcEdmzRRkOzzPethrqjRR aBSOTOZiYfxcYSqbqFlGuVOBRdxjFh ZcxJBvSCVXwONmS prVzTykEfSsePyYwyLVoyYrVLynUzs MLFWQxwUKNsVcYzUOAhslNldnBpITS rxPlpJbLSjJqgxNxsGVsrYhkWAMufk QnRayieEkSDYrNqyLejJuggADNxcgV tszjJIYKCxPweNGhXsOFKGbMkTBPCf DXwjBNgQYswbaNWBOEtSTHjIhdLAyM nbhyhRKKdfaTTpTgHqQelVWmnkBHjA ZTrGqdtlYAgoXNHnoryxHxVVyaMiGR SjdVlRwMas 3;three SQL> There are two extra line breaks, one after ONmS and one after wMas An easy solution is […]

in doubt transaction

Distributed transactions allows you to have multiple DML’s over multiple databases within a single transaction For instance, one local and one remote insert into t values(1); insert into t@db02 values(2); commit; If you lose connection to db02 and wants to commit, your database server may/does not know about the state of the remote transaction. The […]

powershell code signing

Unix users don’t use this. Maybe some java developers do. But no Unix sysadmins. Never. On Windows, things are getting more secure every release, especially if you pay attention to those details. In Unix, if I have a script called “getdate” which shows me the date, I can copy it to another machine. $ cat […]

Single Tenant duplicates

I recently reported an issue regarding single tenant. In old-time non-cdb, the SID used to be unique on a server. If you connect to srv01:port:sid, then you know where you connect. Unfortunately, this is no longer true. If for instance you have two database sid’s S01 and S02 with a pluggable P01, and both run […]

disallow pseudo terminal in ssh

Some Oracle documentation wants you to setup ssh with no password and no passphrase. Configuring ssh This is not really something your security admin will like. First, using DSA, which is deprecated and disabled by default in OpenSSH 7.0, is a pretty dump instruction OpenSSH 7.0 and greater similarly disable the ssh-dss (DSA) public key […]


I wrote a few odbc articles using ODBCCONF in my blog, so I edit them because ODBCCONF will be removed; read Using Powershell Add-OdbcDsn is much easier PS> remove-OdbcDsn -name DB01 -dsntype User PS> Add-OdbcDsn -name DB01 -DriverName “Oracle in client12201” -DsnType “User” -SetPropertyValue @(“Server=DB01”) PS> Get-OdbcDsn Name : DB01 DsnType : User Platform […]

How to get dbms_output to print line before the end of the procedure?

begin dbms_output.put_line(‘Kilroy1’); dbms_lock.sleep(1); dbms_output.put_line(‘Kilroy2’); dbms_lock.sleep(1); dbms_output.put_line(‘Kilroy3’); dbms_lock.sleep(1); dbms_output.put_line(‘Kilroy4’); dbms_lock.sleep(1); dbms_output.put_line(‘Kilroy5’); dbms_lock.sleep(1); end; / You wait five seconds, then get the output. This is the way it works with dbms_output. Now I try a new trick The output does not wait the end. There was a trick I wrote in 2007 using utl_file, but it was […]

Dynamic number of columns revisited

Itching to start playing with 18c? Now you can on @oraclelivesql ! Here's a script to get you started: a dynamic CSV-to-columns converter using polymorphic table functions — Chris Saxon (@ChrisRSaxon) February 17, 2018 The ingenious solution of Anton Scheffer using Data Cartridge is now beaten in 18c using polymorphic table function Anthologic post […]

better than CTAS

SQL> create table t1(x number primary key); Table created. SQL> desc t1 Name Null? Type ———————– ——– —————- X NOT NULL NUMBER SQL> create table t2 as select * from t1; Table created. SQL> desc t2 Name Null? Type ———————– ——– —————- X NUMBER The table T2 has the column X, but not the constraint […]

FBI = function based index

Let me today tell you, I now hate FBI for real. Let’s start with an easy working example SQL> CREATE TABLE t(x NUMBER PRIMARY KEY) Table created. SQL> insert into t(x) values (1) 1 row created. SQL> insert into t(x) values (2) 1 row created. SQL> insert into t(x) values (3) 1 row created. SQL> […]

check invalid directories


check invalid database link for the DBA

followup of check invalid database link If you need to check db link in another schema, you need to create code that run with that schema. base on the example from yesterday, here is an extended version for the dba CREATE FUNCTION dba_status (owner VARCHAR2, db_link VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; status VARCHAR2 (4000); […]

list targets

$p=new XML::Parser;$p->setHandlers(Start=>&b);$p->parsefile("-");sub b{($i,$e,%a)=@_;if($e eq"Target"){print$a{"NAME"}.":".$a{"TYPE"}}} — laurentsch (@laurentsch) September 19, 2017 As correctly pointed out by dhoogfr , the proper way to list targets on an agent is to use list target $ emctl config agent listtargets Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 Copyright (c) 1996, 2016 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. [, host] […]

sid and pluggable

I wrote about SID there. (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=DB01)) is undocumented since Oracle 11gR1 and breaks things with multi-tenant / single-tenant. You create a container CDB01 and a pluggable DB01, you can connect with sqlplus “scott/tiger@ (description=(address= (host=srv01)(port=1521)(protocol=tcp)) (connect_data=(” But one of your application has hardcoded SID=DB01 sqlplus “scott/tiger@ (description=(address= (host=srv01)(port=1521)(protocol=tcp)) (connect_data=(sid=DB01)))” ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know […]

default listener port

Long time ago, Maxime Yuen registered 1521 for nCube License Manager. By googling I found : Ellison cleans house at nCube, and since them 1521 has been used as a default port for Oracle. Still, you’ll see nCube in IANA.ORG service names port numbers and in /etc/services the nCube name. I don’t know which one […]

lock sys

In the old days, locking sys had not much effect. SQL> alter user sys identified by *** account lock; User altered. SQL> select account_status from dba_users where username=’SYS’; ACCOUNT_STATUS ——————————– LOCKED SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> conn sys/** as sysdba Connected. SQL> conn sys/***@db01 as sysdba Connected. Well, in the very-old days, Oracle7, […]

remote transaction timeout

If you access one table via database link and the row is locked, you may get a timeout SQL> update emp@l set sal=sal+1 where ename=’SCOTT’; 1 row updated. SQL> update emp@l set sal=sal+2 where ename=’SCOTT’; update emp@l set sal=sal+2 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock ORA-02063: preceding line from […]

Monitor audit_file_dest !

Until 11.2, audit_file_dest used to remain small with default settings and reasonably sized and active database. Suddenly, in 12c, you will sooned or later get ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file. At that point, no more connection is possible to the database, it is a complete loss of service. Why suddenly in 12c ? […]