I recently reported an issue regarding single tenant.
In old-time non-cdb, the SID used to be unique on a server. If you connect to srv01:port:sid, then you know where you connect.
Unfortunately, this is no longer true. If for instance you have two database sid’s S01 and S02 with a pluggable P01, and both run on the same server, chances exist you’ll get an invalid username / password or connect to the wrong datatabase.
$ lsnrctl services
LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2018 14:20:23
Copyright (c) 1991, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=srv01.example.com)(PORT=1521)))
Services Summary...
Service "P01.example.com" has 2 instance(s).
Instance "S01", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
Instance "S02", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
"DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
The command completed successfully
$ echo 'select instance_name from v$instance;'|sqlplus -s -L system/***@srv01.example.com:1521/p01.example.com
$ echo 'select instance_name from v$instance;'|sqlplus -s -L system/***@srv01.example.com:1521/p01.example.com
$ echo 'select instance_name from v$instance;'|sqlplus -s -L system/***@srv01.example.com:1521/p01.example.com
As demonstrated, it’s pretty random.
When copying database sid S01 to S02, it is no longer sufficient to rename the database (with NID or RMAN duplicate)
You can of course use DUPLICATE PLUGGABLE, but this means quite a bit of change in your procedures in place if you switch to single-tenant only because non-cdb is deprecated.
Otherwise, also if you use operating system commands + nid + rename datafile to copy your databases, you need to rename the global name.
This is as simple as
SQL> alter pluggable database P01 open restricted force;
Pluggable database altered.
SQL> alter session set container=P01;
Session altered.
SQL> alter pluggable database P01 rename global_name to P02;
Pluggable database altered.
SQL> alter pluggable database P02 open force;
Pluggable database altered.
DISCLAIMER: this apply mostly to environments with dba-scripts that were designed for non-cdbs. For more modern environments, use PLUG/UNPLUG/DUPLICATE PLUGGABLE…