Getting the logical transaction id in 12c will greatly simplify your error handling and enhance your business continuity in your application. In 11g and below, your java code use to look like try { insert into… } catch () { error_handling() } but one probably assumed the insert failed when it was committed (e.g. database […]
Author: Laurent Schneider
powershell goodies for Active Directory
What are my groups? PS> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership lsc | select -ExpandProperty “name” Domain Users oracle sybase Who is member of that group ? PS> Get-ADGroupMember oracle| select -ExpandProperty “name” Laurent Schneider Alfred E. Newmann Scott Tiger What is my phone number ? PS> (get-aduser lsc -property MobilePhone).MobilePhone +41 792134020 This works like a charm on your […]
in memory option
Oracle 12cR1 patchset 1 is due this month and there is a new parameter that you can set to boost your performance. It is a bit of a SET “_FAST”=true parameter. The in memory parameter is part of the sga. It is not mandatory to size it correctly, even if you do not have enough […]
check jdbc version
There are 2 versions to check when using jdbc. The first one is in the name of the file : works with JDK 1.2 and later, ojdbc7.jar works with java7 and later. Even if works fine with JAVA 8, it is not supported. Be sure you check the support matrix on the Oracle […]
fun with cron
Today I find out that my scheduler was too busy to execute all jobs in my crontab !? * * * * * (while :;do ssh :; done) 59 23 19 06 * touch /tmp/bang my while loop is going to produce so much hangs on the cron deamon that it may not be […]
distinct listagg
One limitation in listagg, you cannot use DISTINCT. Okay, there are plenty of distinct-capable listagg workarounds, but to get the real listagg working, it is a bit of an headache With one listagg SELECT DEPTNO, LISTAGG (JOB, ‘,’) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY JOB) JOBS FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT DEPTNO, JOB FROM EMP) GROUP BY DEPTNO; […]
disable commit in procedure
There is an obscure syntax that prevents a procedure from issuing a commit alter session DISABLE COMMIT IN PROCEDURE; According to the doc, it prevents procedure from committing your data Test case SQL> alter session DISABLE COMMIT IN PROCEDURE Session altered. SQL> create table t(x number) Table created. SQL> create or replace procedure p is […]
Index suggestion from the access advisor
Test case : create table t(x varchar2(8) primary key, y varchar2(30)); insert into t(x,y) select to_char(rownum,’FM00000000′), object_name from all_objects where rownum select * from t where x=00000001; X Y ——– —————————— 00000001 CON$ He received the expected data. Let’s check his plan SQL> explain plan for select * from t where x=00000001; SQL> select * […]
execute Sybase procedures from Oracle SQL Developer
Oracle SQL Developer provides access to data and code from other database systems than Oracle If you run Sybase procedures (or Microsoft SQL Server I suppose), you cannot use the BEGIN / DECLARE / EXEC in anonymous blocks begin print ‘HELLO’ end Error starting at line : 1 in command – begin print ‘HELLO’ end […]
Get the secondmax, again
Just bouncing on 2008/07/secondmax. Another way of getting secondmax would be with an ordered collection. While collection methods like (n), first, last, count are not in SQL, I used PLSQL (within SQL) WITH FUNCTION f (c sys.odcinumberlist, n NUMBER) RETURN number IS BEGIN RETURN c (n); END; SELECT f( CAST( COLLECT( CAST( sal AS NUMBER […]
Testing for (non-)empty string in shell
One way to test for (non-)empty string is to use test and -z (-n) $ x=foo $ test -z “$x” $ echo $? 1 This is mostly seen with an if and [ -z … ] syntax $ y=bar $ if [ -n “$y” ]; then echo non-empty; fi non-empty Instead of a variable, it […]
The long long route to Kerberos
If you want to single-sign-on to your database with your Windows credentials, be aware, it is hard! But the benefit is quite valuable, no more saved password on the client, central password management and user expiration, compliance to the security guidelines, and at no extra cost Landscape for my setup One PC with Windows (PC01.EXAMPLE.COM) […]
Do you really need ASO?
If you only use the Advanced Security Option for SSL, you may not need to pay for it ! License 11.2 When used with Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Advanced Security SSL/TLS is included. But also License 11.1 Network encryption (native network encryption and SSL/TLS) and strong authentication services (Kerberos, PKI, and RADIUS) are no […]
Configure ORACLE_HOME for SQL Developer
The release V4.0 of sql developer is available for download : The doc is there : And read Jeff Smith twit’s and blog I requested some time ago a 64bit Windows version with JDK on Oracle SQL Developer Exchange and once again it got accepted. Okay, I have on my PC two Oracle […]
OracleContext as top object in Active Directory
When you do expand your Active Directory schema, it is not reversible; how to decide to use the OracleContext as a top object or not? On the one hand, for tnsnames resolution, you could hide your context down in your AD structure and change the path in ldap.ora DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE=AD DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT=”OU=Oracle,OU=Misc,DC=example,DC=com” For debugging, I set TNSPING.TRACE_LEVEL=ADMIN […]
Changing the log apply delay (DelayMins)
Whenever you change the DelayMins setting in Dataguard, you must remember it affects only logs that have not been shipped yet. DGMGRL> show database sDB01 delaymins DelayMins = ‘5’ DGMGRL> edit DATABASE sDB01 set property delaymins=2; Property “delaymins” updated ARC3: Archive log thread 1 sequence 3199 available in 5 minute(s) Tue Dec 03 15:34:59 2013 […]
specify TNSNAMES for one program
Monday I wrote on tnsping.exe inconsistencies. Actually there is one good thing in having Oracle Client on Windows looking in the current directory first : you can set one tnsnames for a specific shortcut ! It is quite a viable alternative to .bat files with set TNS_ADMIN=path. Demo : First I create a small EXE […]
sqlnet.ora, sqlplus.exe and tnsping.exe inconsistencies
if you use tnsping.exe and sqlplus.exe, the way the sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora are located differs Let’s take the following setup C:\tmp>type dir1\sqlnet.ora NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = (EXAMPLE.COM) NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES) C:\tmp>type dir1\tnsnames.ora C:\tmp>type dir2\sqlnet.ora NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = (EXAMPLE.ORG) NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES) C:\tmp>type dir2\tnsnames.ora You set TNS_ADMIN to dir1 and your current directory is dir2. […]
unreadable output file in powershell
If you redirect a not-completly-string output (like a spfile) to a file in powershell, you may not see the same in the file as in the output without redirection PS C:\> Select-String “compatible” .\spfileDB01.ora spfileDB01.ora:13:*.compatible=’′ with redirection PS> Select-String “compatible” .\spfileDB01.ora > compatible.txt PS> vim -b .\compatible.txt ÿþ^M^@ ^@s^@p^@f^@i^@l^@e^@D^@B^@0^@0^@1^@.^@o^@r^@a^@:^@1^@3^@:^@*^@.^@c^@o^@m^@p^@a^@t^@i^@b^@l^@e^@=^@’^@1^@1^@.^@2^@.^@0^@.^@4^@.^@0^@’^@^M^@ ^@ With redirection and conversion to […]
hot to bypass requiretty in sudo
You can execute it a command without password from the commande line $ sudo -l User lsc may run the following commands on this host: (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/helloworld $ sudo /usr/local/bin/helloworld Hello World! Now you try to run it via cron and you get sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo The […]
multiconsumer Queue with an Oracle Type from Java
You have a multi consumer queue with a user defined type CREATE TYPE topic_message AS OBJECT(Subject VARCHAR2(30),Text VARCHAR2(80)) / BEGIN dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( ‘topic_queue_table’, ‘topic_message’, Multiple_consumers=>TRUE); dbms_aqadm.create_queue( ‘toy_topic’, ‘topic_queue_table’); dbms_aqadm.start_queue( ‘toy_topic’); END; / You create the corresponding java class with JPublisher (check the documentation of Database JPublisher User’s Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) from which I took […]
strings larger than 4000 in 12c
Back in Oracle 7, the maximum length for VARCHAR2 was 2000. In 11gR2, it is still 4000 for varchar2/char columns and for literals. Any attempt to use something larger will produce an infamous ora-910, ora-1704 or ora-1489 error. SQL> create table t(x varchar2(5000)); create table t(x varchar2(5000)) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00910: specified length […]
Advanced Queuing hello world
First for those who are looking for the difference between Queuing, Advanced Queuing (AQ) and Streams Advanced Queuing, there is none. There is no Beginner Queuing and Advanced Queuing was renamed to Streams advanced queuing when streams was popular and renamed back to Advanced Queuing was streams was deprecated. I am the provider, I give […]
Change background of Oracle Entreprise Manager
If you have more than one OEM and want a red status bar in your production OEM, here the proceedings Stop your cloud control emctl stop oms -all Unzip the $MW/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.view_11.1.1/adf-richclient-impl-11.jar in a new directory $MW/jdk16/jdk/bin/jar -xvf $MW/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.view_11.1.1/adf-richclient-impl-11.jar edit the picture dbd_topShadow.png (for instance) in adf/images/fusion- and copy it to META-INF/adf/images/fusion- with your favorite picture […]
Monitoring details on your explain plan
We know how to generate an explain plan. SET AUTOT ON, the good old ambulance in Toad (which is no longer an ambulance those days), the explain plan button in SQL Developer or simply EXPLAIN PLAN create table t1 partition by hash(object_id) partitions 16 as select * from dba_objects; exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, ‘T1’) explain plan for […]
encrypt with openssl
I want to avoid cleartext password on my filesystem I encrypt my password with a secret key echo tiger | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k MyKey -out $HOME/myconfig Whenever I call a script, I pass the secret key sqlplus scott/$(openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -k MyKey -in $HOME/myconfig) Of course you still need the key {MyKey}, but […]
One more obscure syntax
As 10g introduced MODEL, which is mostly used to impress your colleagues but seldom used in production, 12c has a new syntax, MATCH_RECOGNIZE I gave it a first try to recognize trends in EMPs salaries over hire date. SELECT ename, hiredate, sal, trend FROM emp MATCH_RECOGNIZE ( ORDER BY hiredate MEASURES CLASSIFIER () AS TREND […]
Best Price 899.95$ for my book
I just discovered a best price for my book : Which is obviously more money than I will ever get from my editor 🙁
Google Reader end of life
For those of my readers who were using Google Reader, here are my comments 1) backup your data, read this : 2) for the web gui, there is a one-click migration to Feedly : 3) you can import the OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) file from Google Takeout into Microsoft Outlook (right click […]
ODBC 32bits for Windows 64bits
Windows-On-Windows 64-bit (WOW64) enables you to run 32bits applications in 64bits OS. You will see there is another powershell, another registry, another ODBC tool, another Oracle client. %SYSTEMROOT%\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe First, we run powershell(x86) Get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\*| Select-Object ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_HOME_NAME ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_NAME ———– —————- C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_32 client32bit_11203 Only the Oracle 32bit client is displayed cmd /c “%SYSTEMROOT%\syswow64\odbcconf.exe /a {configdsn “”Oracle […]
Oracle ODBC hello world with powershell
Demo : cmd /c “odbcconf.exe /a {configdsn “”Oracle in OraClient11g_home1″” “”DSN=helloworld|SERVER=DB01″”}” Create a helloworld data source connecting to your DB01 tns alias in your OraClient11g_home1 Oracle Home. It is easy to get the Oracle Home name with Get-itemproperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\*| Select-Object ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_HOME_NAME ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_KEY ———– ————— C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\client_1 OraClient11g_home1 C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1 OraClient11g_home2 Then we create the connection (as […]