Author: Laurent Schneider

how to rename datafiles on standby

If you rename a file with alter database on primary, it will not occur on standby. If you want to rename it on standby to, you need to do it manually cancel the recovery (set dg_broker_start to false and restart db in mount status if you use dataguard) set the standby file management to manual […]

Best practice : use double quotes, even in DBMS_STATS

Whenever you create a table, it is better to use double quotes to avoid invalid identified. SQL> CREATE TABLE /XXX(x number); CREATE TABLE /XXX(x number) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00903: invalid table name SQL> CREATE TABLE “/XXX”(x number); Table created. Even in DBMS_STATS you should use double quotes SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,’/XXX’) BEGIN dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,’/XXX’); END; […]

When v$session_longops is not long enough

With large table scans, sometimes the estimated total work is far beyond reality SQL> select message from v$session_longops where target=’SCOTT.EMP’; MESSAGE ———————————————————— Table Scan: SCOTT.EMP: 7377612 out of 629683 Blocks done The total work is the Oracle estimation : SQL> select blocks from dba_tables where table_name=’EMP’; BLOCKS ———- 629683 This may differ quite a lot […]

Default Oracle Home in Windows

In Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User’s Guide it is documented that The first Oracle home is named the “DEFAULT_HOME” and registers itself in the Windows NT Registry. Remember, NT means New Technology 🙂 There is apparently a Home Selector that is a part of the installation software, maybe something like D:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin\selecthome.bat. Sometimes. Not sure […]

Rman and DBGSQL message

I have not seen DBGSQL very often. But today again, a duplicate in RMAN was failing with, amoung other errors, sqlcode 911 RMAN> duplicate target database to DB02 until time “to_date(‘2013-01-29_00:00:00′,’YYYY-MM-DD_HH24:MI:SS’)” nofilenamecheck ; DBGSQL: TARGET> select 2013-01-29_00:00:00 from sys.dual DBGSQL: sqlcode = 911 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: […]

How big was my database last month

If you backup your database at least weekly, you could check the datafile size from your backup history. Without catalog : select to_char(d,'”W”IW-IYYY’) compl, sum(b)/1024/1024/1024*8192 GB from ( select max(DATAFILE_BLOCKS) b, trunc(completion_time,’IW’) d from v$backup_datafile group by FILE# ,trunc(completion_time,’IW’) ) group by d order by d; COMPL GB ——– —— W30-2012 3.73 W31-2012 4.84 W32-2012 […]

accent insensitive regexp

Ever wanted to find an accent insentive expression like “bébé” in a column ? Maybe you tried to list all possible accents. But Posix has the class for you, the list of éèëê could be refered as [=e=] SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(C,’b[[=e=]]b[[=e=]]’) not only [=e=] is easier to read and to type, but […]

How big was my table yesterday

Oracle saves a lot of information on your behalf. Whenever you get yourself an AWR reported, you access some historic tables (included in the Diagnostic Pack). Those tables could also be accessed manually. SELECT savtime,owner,object_name,rowcnt,blkcnt FROM sys.WRI$_OPTSTAT_TAB_HISTORY w, dba_objects o WHERE o.owner=’SCOTT’ AND o.object_name=’EMP’ and o.object_id = W.OBJ# ORDER BY o.owner, o.object_name, w.savtime; SAVTIME OWNER […]

Enhancement Request : SSL listener and OEM

#em12c still does not support SSL ! Encrypting network connection (https, ssh, sftp) is common sense in today’s business. In Enhancement Request 6512390, Created 19-Oct-2007, the customer requested support for SSL. Most recent update : it is postponed to 13cR2 at least ! *** 09/14/12 04:04 am DISCUSSION ***As we kick off 13c release, cleaning […]

Drop database link in another schema

Today I wrote this script : drop_database_link.sql accept owner char prompt “Enter database link owner : ” accept db_link char prompt “Enter link name : ” begin dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name=>’&owner..drop_database_link’, job_type=>’PLSQL_BLOCK’, job_action=>’BEGIN execute immediate ”drop database link &db_link”;END;’ ); dbms_scheduler.run_job(‘&owner..drop_database_link’,false); dbms_lock.sleep(2); dbms_scheduler.drop_job(‘&owner..drop_database_link’); end; / I am using the scheduler to run a job as another user. […]

old-hash, SHA-1, SHA-2/512

Until pretty recently, only the dubious unsalted proprietary algorithm was available to store Oracle passwords. A bunch of tool where at the time able to decode any 6-8 characters in no time, and the rainbow approach was to precalculate all possibles passwords for a specific user. Those time are not really for away, only starting […]

Oracle Certification Portal

On the certification portal, you can now view your certification. This replace the original Sun Certmanager (used to be and it provides you an interface to publish your information to third parties. Both Sun and Oracle Certifications are visible. If you publish your information, your recipient will receive a link that will show […]

Difference between Paris and Zurich

When I was a child, I used to go skiing in the alps, and occasionaly cross the borders. I remember that late in the season (Eastern skiing) restaurants were already empty in France when we had lunch, because our neithbough countries introduced summertime before us. It is a long way back, namely summers 1976 to […]

grant select on sys tables

I prefer to use a powerful named user with dba rather than sys. It is more conform to the security policies in place regarding accounting of administrator operations. Very occasionaly, my user get ORA-1031 insufficient privileges even if I have the dba role. Amoung others, I have “PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN” and DBMS_STREAMS_AUTH.GRANT_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE update, 2012-07-24 For purge […]

American = fast

I had the incredible behavior of having the same query running 10x faster in sqlplus depending on two different PCs. After analysis, I realised the super fast pc was American… at least in nls_lang Slow client: PC setup in German, NLS_LANG is set to GERMAN_SWITZERLAND.WE8MSWIN1252 C:\>set NLS_LANG=GERMAN_SWITZERLAND.WE8MSWIN1252 C:\>sqlplus scott/tiger@db01 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fr […]