Author: Laurent Schneider

keep dense_rank with multiple column

create table t( deptno number, firstname varchar2(10), lastname varchar2(10), hiredate date); insert into t values ( 10,’Jo’,’Smith’,date ‘2001-01-01′); insert into t values ( 10,’Jack’,’River’,date ‘2002-02-02’); to get the latest hiredate per department select deptno, max(hiredate) hiredate from t group by deptno; DEPTNO HIREDATE ———- ——— 10 02-FEB-02 if you want to get the name of […]

get Nth column of a table

I answered this question twice, once on otn forums and once on Here is the latest to get the third column of emp select column_name as name, extractvalue(column_value,’/ROW/’||column_name) as value from table(xmlsequence(cursor(select * from emp))), user_tab_columns where COLUMN_ID=3 and table_name=’EMP’ ; NAME VALUE —- ———- JOB CLERK JOB SALESMAN JOB SALESMAN JOB MANAGER JOB […]

how to spell 999999999 ?

begin dbms_output.put_line( to_char( timestamp ‘9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999’, ‘FF9SP’)); end; / NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE Unfortunately, I could not get this in sql/ select to_char( timestamp ‘9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999’, ‘FF9SP’) X from dual; ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer Well, since the string is too long, let’s try with […]

SQL Expert?

I have attended the sql certified expert beta exam this morning. There were a lot of errors in it, I added in the comment that they have to groundly review their regular expressions questions. There were a lot of rubbish question, but hardly any challenge, it is more like detecting the incorrect syntax. So I […]

ORA-01466: unable to read data – table definition has changed

I re-edited this post and it is unresolved yet. I thought it was related to system time, but apparently not 😮 SQL> create table t(x number); Table created. SQL> set transaction read only ; Transaction set. SQL> select * from t; select * from t * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01466: unable to read data […]

RAC exam

I have attend the RAC beta exam this afternoon. 181 questions in 3.5 hours, it is a lot of questions! I prepared by reading the 2-day dba RAC document. There are also some questions about Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) with physical and logical standby. Also some question which are Linux speci I have been short […]

select from a comma-separated string

This is one question I solved today with XML on the I have a table T Un,Trois,Cinq,Six Un,Deux,Quatre Trois Sept,Huit Un,Six I want to select un,deux,trois,quatre,cinq,six,sept,huit. I could well have written a plsql function like create or replace type c as object (value varchar2(40)); / create or replace type t_c as table of c; […]

dbms_xplan and v$sql_plan

do not miss yas comment ! tested in 10.2 create or replace procedure explain_plan(hash_value number) is begin insert into plan_table select null, (select nvl(max(plan_id),0)+1 from plan_table), timestamp, remarks, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, null, object_type, optimizer, search_columns, id, parent_id, depth, position, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, other_xml, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, […]


Views: SQL> create view v1 as select * from dual; View created. SQL> rename v1 to v2; Table renamed. Tables: SQL> create table t1 as select * from dual; Table created. SQL> rename t1 to t2; Table renamed. Sequences: SQL> create sequence s1; Sequence created. SQL> rename s1 to s2; Table renamed. Synonyms: SQL> create […]

constraints for referential integrity

On the forums I answered a question about referential integrity. How can you delete/update a parent row when the child exist ? SQL> create table continent( 2 name varchar2(10), 3 constraint continent_pk primary key(name)); Table created. SQL> create table country( 2 name varchar2(10), 3 continent varchar2(10), 4 constraint country_pk 5 primary key(name), 6 constraint […]

insert/update/delete/merge LOG ERRORS

the following works only on 10gR2 Table PRODUCTCATEGORY: CATEGORY (PK) Fruit Fish Table TMP_PRODUCT: PRODUCT CATEGORY Banana Fruit Chicken Meat Table PRODUCT: PRODUCT (PK) CATEGORY (FK) Now I want to load product SQL> insert into product select * from tmp_product; insert into product select * from tmp_product * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02291: integrity constraint […]