Author: Laurent Schneider

OOW 2K6 day 1

I tried to watch the keynotes yesterday, but it is just to difficult to sit and not sleep for me… so I have seen only a few minutes of each one. The PL/SQL 11g session was excellent, I wrote an overview in a separate post. I started the afternoon with APC session, about the importance […]


Justin just posted a few pictures of OOW in otn blog. I also posted somes on the flickr group Eddie Awad created : Since the group is public, feel free to join and post there too if you like. Here is one view of SF that make me feel in Germany :

apply CPUOct2006

I downloaded the CPUOct2006 patch for and applied it successfully to my database. SQL> select action,id,comments from dba_registry_history; ACTION ID COMMENTS —— ———- ———- CPU 5490848 CPUOct2006 in the logfile, apart from a few ignorable ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents errors, everything went fine. Applying the security […]

edit search provider in IE7

In about:config in firefox I wrote about editting the search engine in firefox, for example to have instead of This can be done in Microsoft Internet Explorer too, by regedit-ting HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Internet Explorer SearchScopes

using ovd as ldap proxy server

Yesterday I posted about tnsnames in Sun Java System Direcotry Server. I have to solve one problem : sqlnet requires anonymous search capability on the ldap server. Which I cannot offer in production. So I created an Oracle Virtual Directory, which matches my anonymous request to an authenticated request to the Sun Directory.

Migration of tnsnames.ora to LDAP (Sun Java System Directory Server)

In this post, I did show how easy it is to use OID to resolve your network service names. Apart OID, AD (Microsoft Active Directory) is also supported. However, I do not want to use such products, as my customer already have a Sun Java System Directory Server running. It is quite easy. Here are […]

wget from otn

wget is a well-known command line utility for downloading files from the internet/intranet. I like to use the limit-rate, so that my coworkers still can surf. Until today, I never succeeded to download from otn, because wgetting software required me to log in and accept the export restriction How to automate login is actually extremly […]

generate dml

I just discovered that cool new function in SQL/Developer just right click on the table and chose export sql insert — INSERTING into EMP Insert into “EMP” (“EMPNO”,”ENAME”,”JOB”,”MGR”, “HIREDATE”,”SAL”,”COMM”,”DEPTNO”) values (7369 ,’SMITH’,’CLERK’,7902,to_date(‘1980-12-17’, ‘DD-MON-RR’),800,null,20); Insert into “EMP” (“EMPNO”,”ENAME”,”JOB”,”MGR”, “HIREDATE”,”SAL”,”COMM”,”DEPTNO”) values (7499 ,’ALLEN’,’SALESMAN’,7698,to_date(‘1981-02-20’, ‘DD-MON-RR’),1600,300,30); Insert into “EMP” (“EMPNO”,”ENAME”,”JOB”,”MGR”, “HIREDATE”,”SAL”,”COMM”,”DEPTNO”) values (7521 ,’WARD’,’SALESMAN’,7698,to_date(‘1981-02-22’, ‘DD-MON-RR’),1250,500,30); Insert into “EMP” (“EMPNO”,”ENAME”,”JOB”,”MGR”, […]

Patchset is out for a few plateform. I am quite surprised it did not come out on Solaris 32bits first, as I expected, but rather on the following Microsoft Windows 32bits Microsoft Windows 64bits Linux Itanium Linux x86_64 HP UX PA-RISC IBM AIX5L IBM z/OS (OS 390) This is the terminal release of 9iR2