Without Administrative privilege, how would you install ODP.NET?
Note 784309.1 describes the required files if you have no Oracle client
- download XCOPY ODAC from Oracle .NET, Visual Studio, and VS Code ODAC Downloads for Oracle Database
- Copy the files Oracle.DataAccess.dll OraOps.dll orannzsbb.dll oraociei.dll oci.dll to your directory (ex: C:\ODAC)
- Add that directory to your PATH
- Create your sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora or use ezconnect string host:1521/service.example.com
That’s it. It even works with kerberos
sqlnet.kerberos5_conf=C:\ODAC\krb5.conf sqlnet.kerberos5_cc_name=OSMSFT:// sqlnet.authentication_services=kerberos5pre sqlnet.kerberos5_conf_mit=true NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH = (TNSNAMES) NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = example.com
DB01.example.com=(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=srv1.example.com)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=DB01.example.com)))
[libdefaults] default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM [realms] EXAMPLE.COM = { kdc = dc1.example.com } [domain_realm] .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM example.com = EXAMPLE.COM
let’s try
cd C:\ODAC ${ENV:PATH}="C:\ODAC" ${ENV:TNS_ADMIN}="C:\ODAC" [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile('C:\ODAC\Oracle.DataAccess.dll') $conn = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection( 'User Id=/;Data Source=DB01') $conn.open(); $com=$conn.CreateCommand(); $com.CommandText='select * from dual'; $com.ExecuteScalar(); $conn.close(); $conn.dispose()
PS: kerberos5pre is deprecated but kerberos5 doesn’t work with credential guard, there are a few unpublished bugs (33825536 and others)