network ip calculation with ifconfig

Most *nix are different. I’ll start with a plain Linux output

ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast

to get the network ip, I just bitwise-and the inet and the netmask. To do it with the shell, I convert the ip to an integer and use the & (AND) operator

IP=$(ifconfig eth0|grep inet|awk '{print $2}')
NM=$(ifconfig eth0|grep inet|awk '{print $4}')

I get my IP= and NM= out of the ifconfig output

IPDEC=0;IFS=. ;for f in $IP;do ((IPDEC*=256));((IPDEC+=$f));done
NMDEC=0;IFS=. ;for f in $NM;do ((NMDEC*=256));((NMDEC+=$f));done

By converting the IP-base-256 address, I get IPDEC=1572395042 and NMDEC=4294967040 in decimal


That’s simple. My network IP is 1572395008

Let’s print it


Thanks for reading me that far. Ok let blogger Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre tell you : If you’re still using ifconfig, you’re living in the past

ip addr

ip shows your ip, and ipcalc do the calculation

ipcalc -n "$(ip -o -4  -br address show eth0 |awk '{print $3}')"

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