Select from cdb_* views

There is no privileges strong enough for you to view all objects in all databases

Let’s try

as sys:

SQL> select con_id, count(*) from cdb_objects group by con_id;

    CON_ID   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
         1      22749
         3      22721

as non-sys

SQL> create user c##u identified by ***;
User created.
SQL> grant create session, select any dictionary to c##u;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn c##u/x
SQL> select con_id, count(*) from cdb_objects group by con_id;
    CON_ID   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
         1      22749

You can try to grant and grant and grant, it won’t help

SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> grant dba, cdb_dba, pdb_dba, all privileges, sysdba to c##u with admin option container=all;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn c##u/x
SQL> select con_id, count(*) from cdb_objects group by con_id;
    CON_ID   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
         1      22749

This is not what you are missing…

SQL> revoke dba, cdb_dba, pdb_dba, all privileges, sysdba from c##u container=all;
Revoke succeeded.
SQL> grant create session, select any dictionary to c##u;
Grant succeeded.

you need container data

SQL> alter user c##u set container_data=all container=current;
User altered.
SQL> conn c##u/x
SQL> select con_id, count(*) from cdb_objects group by con_id;
    CON_ID   COUNT(*)
---------- ----------
         1      22749
         3      22721

Here you go …