Installation Oracle on Suse Linux Enterprise 10

How neat is Suse!

I downloaded the DVD SLES10 on At the installation time, appart from Gnome, Development, X Window, there are a few new categories. One of them is called Oracle Database, and guess what, it installs all what I needed for Oracle. It creates an oracle account, with oinstall as primary group and dba as secondary group, it sets usefull things like ORACLE_HOME.

Ok, let’s unlock the account

chltlxlsc1:~ # usermod -s /bin/bash oracle
chltlxlsc1:~ # passwd oracle
Changing password for oracle.
New Password:
Reenter New Password:
Password changed.

Ok, let’s install. SLES10 is not recognized as a certified OS yet. The DISPLAY thing has to be manually set too.

oracle@chltlxlsc1:~> ./runInstaller  -ignoreSysPrereqs
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, 
redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2
                                      Failed <<<<

>>> Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...

this is one of the friendliest installation I have ever made…

14 thoughts on “Installation Oracle on Suse Linux Enterprise 10

  1. Howard J. Rogers

    I can’t resist mentioning that at you’ll find an article discussing how to do an Oracle installation onto openSuse 10 & 10.1.

    Point being, that installation requires clicking the mouse precisely three times more than would be the case if you weren’t installing Oracle. Adding the C/C++ compilers isn’t difficult!

    Which means my real point is that installing Oracle onto Suse has never been very hard.

    Indeed, for SLES9, there was even an “orarun” script you could download from the Suse home page which would do all the stuff like creating an Oracle user and appropriate O/S groups for you.

    I suppose it’s good that it’s been incorporated into the distro these days, rather than being shipped as a separate script, but in terms of genuinely new functionality, it’s not actually a vast improvement on an already-very-happy situation.

  2. Alex Gorbachev

    Or you can change a list of supported OS’s in the distribution in one file – don’t remeber which one. Let me know if interested and couldn’t find it.

  3. Ofir

    wow, that sounds awesome… can some one provide a screenshot of that installation screen? I want to see it with my own eye (-:

  4. Anonymous

    Hello there,

    I installed Oracle 10 on Fedora Core 5. Installed fine, but now I cannot start sqlplus, Isqlplus. I dont where is Oracle.
    There is something wrong with the env, I think. Need help. Thanks. Merci d avance.

    Here is the .bashprofile.

    # User specific environment and startup programs


    export PATH
    unset USERNAME
    # Oracle Settings
    TMP=/tmp; export TMP
    TMPDIR=$TMP; export TMPDIR

    ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
    ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME
    ORACLE_SID=orcl; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM
    PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
    PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    if [ $USER = “oracle” ]; then
    if [ $SHELL = “/bin/ksh” ]; then
    ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
    export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl

  5. Pingback: Installing Oracle 10.2 on Suse Linux 10.2 « Cornucopia

  6. Sonny

    Thanks for pointing the mistake in my post.
    Also for posting your experience installing Oracle, it sure was a lifesaver at the end of a long day of setting up my pc 🙂

  7. Ahmet

    Hello There,

    I am trying to install Oracle 10g R2 on a Suse 10 Enterprise Server. My Hardware is an HP rx2660 integrity itanium2 server with 2 processors and 10 GB of Ram. I’ve already installed SUSE’s orarun package and start the installation with all requirements met situation. Just before the installation starts I got a crash error of Java Hotpspot VM Server 64-bit. 1.4.2. Is there a solution for this?

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