Month: May 2015

Irrecoverable part III : a fix

After part I:the problem, Part II: two reports here is part III. We have backed up archivelog during a full and deleted them before the full completed. RMAN> list backup of archivelog all; List of Backup Sets =================== BS Size Type Elapsed Completion — —— —- ——– ———- 15 4.00K DISK 00:00:00 13:31:08 BP Key: […]

Irrecoverable full backup part II : reporting

After my post Can you restore from a full online backup ?, I needed to come up with a report. Assuming that each backup goes in a different directory, I just wrote two reports. Report gaps in v$backup_redolog (or rc_backup_redolog if you use the catalog) DIR FIRST_CHANGE# NEXT_CHANGE# ——- ————- ———— /bck01/ 284891 285140 /bck01/ […]

Can you restore from a full online backup ?

The question is not HOW TO DO IT but WHETHER YOU CAN DO IT ! A typical backup script would contains something like BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG: backup database format ‘/u99/backup/DB01/20150518/full_0_%d_s%s_p%p’ plus archivelog format ‘/u99/backup/DB01/20150518/arc_%d_s%s_p%p’; Starting backup at 2015-05-18_18:27:55 current log archived input archived log thread=1 sequence=469 … piece handle= /u99/backup/DB01/20150518/arc_DB01_s86_p1 Finished backup at 2015-05-18_18:27:58 […]

🎂 10 years 🎂

Thanks to all my readers for being so faithful 🙂 I’ll post a new solution to calculate factorial. This is the one I posted 10 years ago : I also used it in the obfuscation contest with function f (x number) return number is begin return case x when 1 then x else x*f(x-1) […]