Month: November 2014

How to *really* send a script to the background

Let’s check this small script – #!/bin/sh echo foo.1:`date` | tee $HOME/tmp/foo.txt sleep 3 echo foo.2:`date` | tee -a $HOME/tmp/foo.txt $ $HOME/tmp/ foo.1:Thu Nov 27 17:34:53 CET 2014 foo.2:Thu Nov 27 17:34:56 CET 2014 Very obvious, I write to the console, wait three seconds, then write to the console. Ok, let’s take another script […]

KeepAlive socket in 12c listener

A not uncommon issue with firewalls and listeners are timeouts. Your production database may be behind a firewall, you may connect from a remote location, even your Windows workstation may have some firewall activated, possibly you use ssh tunnels or TCPS. All those occasionally lead to timeouts and connection abortion, for instance ORA-03113 end-of-file on […] on AIX

just released today only in Enterprise Edition at the moment, and now available on HPUX, zLinux and AIX #oracle12c #db12102 is out for a bunch of platform #aix #os390 #hpux #zlinux — laurentsch (@laurentsch) November 17, 2014 This is the first and last patchset for 12cR1 #oracle is the last patch set for […]

one more stragg

select to_char( sum( power(100,rownum-1)* deptno ), ‘FM99G99G99G99G99’, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=,;’ ) deptlist from dept DEPTLIST ————— 40;30;20;10 I also wrote about distinct listagg. The same applies for sum distinct. select to_char( sum(power(1e3,d-1)*deptno), ‘FM999G999G999’, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=,;’ ) deptsum, to_char( sum(distinct power(1e2,d-1)*deptno), ‘FM99G99G99’, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=,;’ ) deptsumdist, to_char( sum(power(1e1,d-1)), ‘FM9G9G9’, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=,;’ ) deptcount, to_char( sum(power(1e4,c-1)*comm), ‘FM9999G9999G9999G9999G9999’, ‘NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=,;’ ) commlist from ( […]

rowid of the last insert

If you look for the last insert result, check returning into. Is it identity column, the rowid, any expression, get it back SQL> var r varchar2(24) SQL> var x number SQL> var d varchar2(30) SQL> insert into t values (default) returning rowid,x,sysdate into :r,:x,:d; 1 row created. SQL> print R ——————– AAAaFTAAIAAAAILAAD X ———- 6 […]