Month: July 2014

powershell goodies for Active Directory

What are my groups? PS> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership lsc | select -ExpandProperty “name” Domain Users oracle sybase Who is member of that group ? PS> Get-ADGroupMember oracle| select -ExpandProperty “name” Laurent Schneider Alfred E. Newmann Scott Tiger What is my phone number ? PS> (get-aduser lsc -property MobilePhone).MobilePhone +41 792134020 This works like a charm on your […]

in memory option

Oracle 12cR1 patchset 1 is due this month and there is a new parameter that you can set to boost your performance. It is a bit of a SET “_FAST”=true parameter. The in memory parameter is part of the sga. It is not mandatory to size it correctly, even if you do not have enough […]