Demo :
cmd /c "odbcconf.exe /a {configdsn ""Oracle in OraClient11g_home1"" ""DSN=helloworld|SERVER=DB01""}"
Create a helloworld data source connecting to your DB01 tns alias in your OraClient11g_home1 Oracle Home.
It is easy to get the Oracle Home name with
----------- ---------------
C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\client_1 OraClient11g_home1
C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1 OraClient11g_home2
Then we create the connection (as we did in ADO or ODP) :
$conn = New-Object Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
$conn.ConnectionString= "dsn=helloworld;uid=scott;pwd=tiger;"
(new-Object Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand("select 'Hello World' from dual",$conn)).ExecuteScalar()
Note: odbcconf will be removed in future release, prefer Add-OdbcDsn
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Hi Kaurent,
Kudos !! For ur excellent knowledge in oracle.
I m facing a problem with sql plus.
I have a requirement to create a stored procedure so that whenever a call to storedprocedure is made, the data from the table should be populated into a xlsb file which is having some macros. And even in that it should go into the 1st worksheet.
So I cannot create a new xlsb file instead I hav to use already existing one.
Please post me any ideas how to do this?
I wrote on editting excel files there :
Otherwise you will need to use the windows framework (Visual Studio) to edit your file and then you could use the code above or the one in ADO or ODP
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