It makes you cry! It makes you claim you have found a bug! but it is working as specified!
1) subquery refers to a column of the main query
select * from emp where ename in (select ename from dept where deptno=10);
the query does not complain that column does not exist in dept. It is perfectly legal to specify a non-prefixed column of the main query in the subquery. This could be like
select * from tab where 'foo' in (select 'foo' from dict);
so the “in” clause is always true
2) “not in” does not deliver result
select sysdate from dual where 400 not in (select comm from emp);
this is because 400!=null is UNKOWN. Check the 3 state booleans operations!
it could be rewritten with a not exists, or in 10g with LNNVL
select sysdate from dual where lnnvl(400 in (select comm from emp));
3) rows are not delivered in the correct order
it is a wrong assumption to think that the rows will be delivered in a specific order if you do not specify order by.
4) table not found
SQL> select * from tab;
------------------------------ ------- ----------
GreatTable TABLE
SQL> desc GreatTable
ORA-04043: object GreatTable does not exist
Whoever it is, someone created a case sensitive table name.
SQL> desc "GreatTable"
Name Null? Type
----------------------- -------- ----------------
MagicColumn NUMBER(38,2)
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