Month: August 2011

Reduce the number of commits

“Oftentimes, a database administrator (DBA) simply looks at the symptoms and immediately starts changing the system to fix those symptoms” Op. Cit. Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) Ok, let’s do this 🙂 Finding Waits on event “log file sync” while performing COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations were consuming significant database time. Action […]

How to unload blob from the database?

There is more than one post on how to unload blob from the database, mostly in plsql with utl_file.put_raw (see note 330146.1) and with java with FileOutputStream (see note 247546.1) Unfortunately both are terribly slow due to the 32k limitation of put_raw in utl_file and due to a low “optimum buffer size” retrieved by myBlob.getBufferSize(), […]