How do i store the counts of all tables …
My answer to the question above using dbms_xmlgen
SQL> select 2 table_name, 3 to_number( 4 extractvalue( 5 xmltype( 6 dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select count(*) c from '||table_name)) 7 ,'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count 8 from user_tables; TABLE_NAME COUNT ------------------------------ ------ DEPT 4 EMP 14 BONUS 0 SALGRADE 5
Hey that’s a really cool bit of SQL. Don’t think I would have thought to use dbms_xmlgen to get the whole thing into a single statement like that.
Any way you can think of off the top of your head to do the same thing (in a single statement) without using dbms_xmlgen? I’ll probably be thinking about this all day…
Hi Laurent,
I must be getting senile, as I would think that this simple query would work:
create table t1 as
select owner, count(*) tabcnt from dba_tables;
In what table does your query store the results?
Am I missing something?
Laurent, It is very clever!
Don, results are not stored. This query just display table name and number of rows in that table.
That was just way too cool!
Any way you can think of off the top of your head to do the same thing (in a single statement) without using dbms_xmlgen? I’ll probably be thinking about this all day…
sure. with plsql
it even seems plsql will perform faster
Laurent is returning the rowcount for each table, your query unless I’m misreading it badly would store the number of tables in dba_tables against each table_name.
I guess it will return ORA-00937: not a single-group group function 😐
note that idea is to return a number of rows per table not a number of tables per owner
It is so cool but does not work for IOT 🙁
SYS@XE> select
2 table_name,
3 to_number(
4 extractvalue(
5 xmltype(
6 dbms_xmlgen.getxml(‘select count(*) c from ‘||table_name))
7 ,’/ROWSET/ROW/C’)) count
8 from user_tables;
ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
ORA-25191: cannot reference overflow table of an index-organized table
ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_XMLGEN”, line 176
ORA-06512: at line 1
Wouldn’t table function solution cleaner than cursor? (I’m not even considering XML solution as a contender).
Opps, your function is scalar which is simpler than table function. What I meant was that no cursor is necessary:
create or replace function count_rows(table_name varchar2)
return varchar2 is
i number;
execute immediate ‘select count(*) c from ‘||table_name into i;
return i;
select count_rows(table_name) from user_tables;
thanks vadim, execute immediate ‘select …’ into is easier and cleaner than my refcursor
Mine was a minor comment, really:-) As you may have noticed, I’m on my anti-cursor crusade. Much more important is the idea summarized by “No XML!” emblem at my home page…
The scalar problem can be surpassed by using extract (object_value,’/ROWSET/ROW/C/text()’). A disadvantage of both is that the performance will degrade due to DOM validation, BUT…
GREAT EXAMPLE Laurent. I love it!
Simply Great.
This is my version w/o the cool XML stuff that Laurent has. This pretty much just dumps out all non SYS-owned tables from dba_objects and has error handling for TABLEs that can’t be counted (i.e., the IOT exception). Let me know your thoughts. This is crude at the moment, but you get the idea.
set serveroutput on
type tablename is table of dba_objects.object_name%type
index by binary_integer;
table_list tablename;
indx number := 0;
v_count number := 0;
v_tab varchar2(256);
v_sqltext varchar2(1000);
for r_c3 in (select owner,object_name from dba_objects where object_type = ‘TABLE’) loop
table_list(indx) := r_c3.owner||’.”‘||r_c3.object_name||'”‘;
indx := indx + 1;
end loop;
for xndx in table_list.first..table_list.last loop
if table_list.exists(xndx)
and table_list(xndx) not like ‘SYS.%’ then
v_tab := table_list(xndx);
v_sqltext := ‘select count(*) from ‘|| table_list(xndx);
— dbms_output.put_line(v_sqltext);
execute immediate v_sqltext into v_count;
dbms_output.put_line(table_list(xndx) || ‘, ‘ || v_count);
exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_line(table_list(xndx) || ‘, NULL’);
end if;
end loop;
did you check my former comment about a plsql solution?
Just got to this from the forums.
Laurent, that is fantastic.
Your solution was mentioned in Oracle-Magazine of OTN-JAPAN
Hey, that’s great! Thanks for the link 😀
The issue that Coskan raises can be avoided by adding
AND iot_type<> 'IOT_OVERFLOW'
to the outer query on user_tables. I stumbled across that error independently.
Doh! I used “less than or greater than” rather than != in my code 🙂
corrected by adding the code tags 🙂
Hi, I am facing error while running this query :-
select table_name,column_name,
'select count(*) c from '||table_name||' where length('||column_name||
') <> length(ltrim(rtrim('||column_name||')))')),'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count
from user_tab_columns
where table_name like 'MPI_MEMGC%'
and table_name not like '%_H'
order by 1
my intension to find out which column/columns contain uncessary spaces in the data of all the tables in schema.
you did not mention the error… I suppose it it related to trimming something that is not a character.
Try this :
SQL> create table mpi_memgc(x number, y varchar2(10), z varchar2(10))
Table created.
SQL> insert into mpi_memgc values (1,'bla','bli ')
1 row created.
SQL> commit
Commit complete.
SQL> select
'select count(*) c from "'||table_name||'" where "'||column_name||
'" like ''% '' or "'||column_name||
'" like '' %''' query,
'select count(*) c from "'||table_name||'" where "'||column_name||
'" like ''% '' or "'||column_name||
'" like '' %''')),'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count
from user_tab_columns
where table_name like 'MPI_MEMGC%'
and table_name not like '%_H'
and data_type = 'VARCHAR2'
order by 1;
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
select count(*) c from "MPI_MEMGC" where "Y" like '% ' or "Y" like ' %'
select count(*) c from "MPI_MEMGC" where "Z" like '% ' or "Z" like ' %'
Thanks Laurent ..Its working fine..
Not sure what’s your problem with my feed, but alternatively try
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I’m using your approach to of your function to get the rows count plus another details i need for one Stats table report
select table_name, XXXXr.count_rows(table_name), LAST_ANALYZED, NUM_ROWS, (XXXX.count_rows(table_name)-NUM_ROWS) Diff_rows from dba_tables where owner = ‘XXXX’;
So there are Big big tables here and when I’m executing it blow up these error
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at “XXXX.COUNT_ROWS”, line 6
So this mean the function play a key role on the performance
Any idea or advice
Laurent, It is exceptionally astute!
Wear, results are not put away. This inquiry simply show table name and number of lines in that table.