Month: March 2007

why is bitmap index not designed for OLTP

In case you do not know it yet, having a bitmap on columns like GENDER(male/female) is a very bad practice in OLTP, because each insert does lock the whole table create table t(name varchar2(10), gender varchar2(10)); create bitmap index bi on t(gender); +——————————–+ +——————————–+ | Session 1 | | Session 2 | +——————————–+ +——————————–+ | […]

How to load BLOB in the database?

I have been asked yesterday how to read and write blobs in the database. With java : read from an input stream InputStream myBlobInputStream = connection . createStatement() . executeQuery(“select myBlob from t”) . getBlob(1) . getBinaryStream(); write to an output stream OutputStream myBlobStream = connection . createStatement() . executeQuery(“select myBlob from t for update”) […]